Community Care Options

Initial Certification Training Program for RCFE


Mandatory Update to Your Infection Control Plan

The L.P.A.s are now checking to see if you have updated and sent in your “REVISED INFECTION CONTROL PLAN” to licensing. You need to have your plan updated with the requirements in the PIN linked here.

Some of these new items are:

  • Changing the name of your Infection Control Preventionist to Infection Control Lead.
  • Changing the word communicable to contagious (this is used a lot in the original plan).
  • Changing terminology and definitions.
  • Changing Infection Control Practices.
  • Changes to the Emergency Infection Control Plan.

We have changed our original plan to include the state’s form, LIC9282, along with all the new changes. The plan is now 28 pages to meet the new state requirements. If you purchased your original plan from Community Care Options, we have a discounted price for the revised Infection Control Plan. The prices are as follows:


  • Update Previous Plan: $50
  • New Plan: $150


  • Update Previous Plan: $75
  • New Plan: $250
  • New Plan + Become a Member: $475*

    *This bundle price saves you $150 on your membership (see below to learn more about the membership).

Click the button below to order your plan.

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