Community Care Options

Initial Certification Training Program for RCFE

The Inn at The Terraces
Chico, CA

What is a 3D Facility Map?

Photographs and video walk-throughs fall short when families search for care. A 3D Map is a more tangible method of exploring your building since it is a legitimate virtual tour. This means you move through the space and take an online walk-through.

Families can explore a 3D Map of your community before they come visit in person from the comfort of their home. Accessible via phone, tablet, laptop, desktop computer & VR

You can place a 3D Map on your website and social media as well as share it via email marketing!

Marketing Benefits

Many individuals find themselves in search of care while living far from their family. Long-distance family members desire to be as involved as they can to make sure their loved one is in safe hands.

This is a excellent tool for marketing since it allows a prospective client and their family to tour your building in a tangible way from the comfort of their home. This means more of your live walk-throughs will lead to move-ins, as the clients will already know they like your community.

One building we are tracking had over 700 virtual tours in less than 2 months, and has seen a significant increase in move-ins.

CountryHouse at Granite Bay – First Floor Granite Bay, CA

Blissful Gardens
Cameron Park, CA

Insurance Benefits

A 3D Map of your facility is priceless when it comes to insurance.

If or when you experience a fire, flood, theft, or other disasters that cause damage to your building, furniture, and other pieces of property, a 3D Facility Map will be the most valuable piece of evidence to prove what you owned when you submit your insurance claim.

1. Details

Our 3D Facility Map Service includes the creation of and direct access to a high-resolution, high-detailed 3D map/virtual tour. Upon request, we can also provide up to two 360-degree images and four standard images.

Processing and editing the 3D scan and photographs will take approximately 2-3 weeks.

2. Pricing

To set up the service, you will pay a one time fee of $500 (10 beds or fewer), or $1000 (11 or more beds). For our monthly hosting service, it is $50 a month (10 or fewer), and $100 a month for (11 or fewer). Additional still images from the scan are also available for $35 per photo.

Payment for service begins after the service agreement is signed and returned. Billing is on the 1st of each month.

3. Referral Agreements

If your company signs, or has signed, a referral agreement with Community Care Options’ Senior Referral Services, our Referral Service now includes the creation of a 3D Map of your facility.

The set up service fee for creating the 3D map of your facility will be waived. However, the standard pricing for the monthly hosting service still applies.


Our 3D Mapping Service is available on a first come, first served basis. Please complete the form and a member of our team will get back to you soon.

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